The 16 November 2022 version of the @Touch_Symposium twitter bio. The bio includes the text 'Hackrrr Grrrl Eclectic Chapter of CCC l0pht cDc', with a red box for emphasis surrounding 'Chapter of CCC l0pht cDc'.

An open letter to the hacker community concerning Caroline Murgue / Touch Symposium.


We recently learned that since at least January 2020 and continuing into the present, a French national by the name of Caroline Murgue [also known as Caroline Mee-Ran Murgue] has misrepresented herself as being closely aligned with three notable hacker groups, specifically: CULT OF THE DEAD COW (cDc), L0pht, and the Chaos Computer Club (CCC). In doing so, she habitually makes fraudulent claims and drags our names into disrepute.

Since the publication of the book Cult of the Dead Cow: How the Original Hacking Supergroup Might Just Save the World in 2019, various people have come forward with spurious claims of cDc membership. We have in the past always handled these situations quietly, without making public statements. But this one is different, due to the scope and nature of the claims, as well as the financial component which is concerned here. But most importantly, we've asked her to stop and she has not.

For years Ms. Murgue has sustained a campaign of lies and exaggeration, portraying herself as a well-connected hacking luminary in order to garner unearned prestige in the community. She claims to have both personal and professional relationships not only with the cDc organization as a whole, but also with several of its individual members.

For the record: Caroline Murgue is not — nor has she ever been — a member of cDc. Neither does she possess a special relationship of any kind with cDc. Likewise, she never had a connection with the L0pht hackerspace, which closed its doors in the year 2000. [She was, quite likely, a teenager living in France at the time.] And, as far as we've been able to ascertain, she is not a member of the CCC. [After checking with someone there, they did not find a Chaosnummer assigned to her name.]

Ms. Murgue has spread these falsehoods far and wide — across her various social media accounts: Instagram, Twitter, Mastodon, Soundcloud, TikTok, career sites LinkedIn and The-Dots, and potentially others as well.

In short: Caroline Murgue’s actions have been consistent with someone attempting to

  1. accumulate clout for their very active influencer persona adjacent to the hacker scene; and
  2. raise money for their organization.

Leeching cred is unsavory under any circumstances, but it crosses an unambiguous line when there's also a financial motive at play.

If that weren't enough, she also has a history of issuing antagonistic statements which embroil CULT OF THE DEAD COW.

Worst of all, she has made attempts to slip into people's social networks by posing as cDc member Lady Carolin. This conduct has affected some of our friends and business colleagues.

Ms. Murgue's reprehensible behavior, despite her having absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with our group, reflects badly on us all.

We twice reached out to Ms. Murgue privately, urging her to expunge the offending material. We hoped that she would remove the falsehoods and apologize. Instead she made only a token effort, by removing just a small fraction of her barefaced lies.

Now, seeing as things still remain unresolved, we feel that the only responsible course of action is to make the matter public.

November 18, 2022

Who is Caroline Murgue?

An instagram photo of Caroline Murgue seated in a chair. In the lower-right corner are superimposed the words 'cDc logo as avatar' with a red arrow pointing at the avatar in the upper-left corner. It is indeed the cDc ASCII cow skull logo, on a pink background and decorated with a gold emoji crown.

Caroline Murgue is a French person who runs the small Brooklyn-based charitable nonprofit Moshi Inc., which claims to be "dedicated to empower children and teenagers with critical and creative thinking."

She owns the Twitter account @Touch_Symposium, and owned the deleted Twitter account @moshi_philo. She also owns the website, and either owns or owned its predecessor: She also owns the TikTok account @touchsymposium, the account @touchsymposium, and the Instagram account @bibimstudio.

What has Caroline been up to?

Pretending to be in the cDc.

“Touch Symposium is the Hackrrr Grrrl Eclectic Chapter of the L0PHT / Cult of the Dead Cow, the original Hacking Supergroup, the oldest American hacking collective of all time, that might just save the world.”
— website

For the record:

It appears that Caroline probably began to claim that she belonged to the cDc sometime in 2019, but the proof goes back to January 2020.

31 Jan 2020 tweet from @moshi_philo: [French text redacted] #IAM #CultOfTheDeadCow NEW CHAPTER 29 Feb 2020 tweet from @moshi_philo: #cDc #cultofthedeadcow #L0pht new chapter x #3FT 4 #ccc #chaoscomputerclub
10 Feb 2020 tweet from @moshi_philo: Cult of the Dead Cow: How the Original Hacking Supergroup is Saving the World [...] <-- #MondayMotivation XP YOU can't fight against us because WE protect you from the banality of evil #3FT 24 Feb 2020 tweet from @moshi_philo: We have a lot of fun and I'm sure you'd like it #cultofthedeadcow #gothcow #L0pht #3FT
16 Nov 2022 screenshot from the website. Inside the circle in the lower right corner is the cDc ASCII cow skull logo adorned with a pink 'Hello Kitty' hair bow, and a L0pht Heavy Industries logo with pink cat ears, whiskers, and nose. In the upper right corner is the text: 'Touch Symposium is the Hackrrr Grrrl Eclectic Chapter of the L0PHT / Cult of the Dead Cow, the original Hacking Supergroup, the oldest American hacking collective of all time, that might just save the world.'

Making statements on behalf of cDc.

In service of appearing to belong, Ms. Murgue acted like an unofficial mouthpiece with inside knowledge. She made authoritative-sounding pronouncements with a lot of confidence but absolutely no basis in fact.

28 Jan 2020 tweet from @moshi_philo: My #cDc secret crew & I battle misinformation, make personal data safer, keep technology a force for good instead of for surveillance and oppression. Governments, corporations and criminals came to hold immense power over individuals & we can fight back against them with #FUN 3 Mar 2020 tweet from @moshi_philo: They have been working on new stuff [in response to a 2 Mar 2020 tweet from @vogon: the silence of the rest of the cult of the dead cow right now speaks volumes]

Inflating her resume.

Ms. Murgue puffed up her resume with fake claims of working with cDc. This was found on two separate job-seeking sites: LinkedIn and The-Dots. On LinkedIn she claimed to have been our "Creative Director" for more than 9 years, and also on the other site to have worked for us in some kind of unspecified capacity.

The 'Volunteering' on the LinkedIn profile for Caroline Murgue. A red box for emphasis surrounds the topmost entry: 'Creative Director, Cult of the Dead Cow, Nov 2013 - Present, 9 yrs 2 mos'
The October 23, 2022 profile page for Caroline Murgue on jobs site The-Dots. The banner image is the cDc ASCII cow skull logo, rendered in green text on a black background. Near the bottom of the page it reads: 'I've worked with [...] Cult of the Dead Cow'

Advertising her conference using bogus endorsements.

Although cDc member Count Zero appeared remotely at the December 2020 Touch Symposium conference, since then there has been absolutely no participation at all by The Cult of the Dead Cow.

This fact did not stop Ms. Murgue from blanketing her social media accounts with posts declaring cDc's supposed involvement with the Touch Symposium conference in October 2022 and the upcoming one scheduled for October 2023. As we said, these are all complete fabrications.

6 Oct 2022 Instagram post from @touch_symposium: It features the cDc ASCII cow skull logo adorned with a pink 'Hello Kitty' hair bow; a L0pht Heavy Industries logo with pink cat ears, whiskers, and nose; and a photo of Caroline Murgue with a matching pink crown on her head. Next to all of this are the lyrics to the Daft Punk track 'Touch It / Technologic'. 19 Mar 2022 tweet from @Touch_Symposium: 'The members of our Dojo will be live next Octobrrr, to show-off their skills and wisdom. Our #phierce master of the ceremony will be our wonderful ninja @dildog'

Also, during the run-up to the October 2022 event, Ms. Murgue repeatedly solicited cash donations on Twitter (and other social media platforms) using the names and likenesses of cDc members Mudge, DilDog, and Oxblood Ruffin. None of them gave permission for her to do this, and were indeed unaware that it was occurring at all.

16 Oct 2022 Tweet from @Touch_Symposium: 'We cannot spell funding without FUN. And our elite hackers need your help. Announcing the launch of Touch Symposium fundraising for MOSHI inc. 501(c)(3) #L0pht #cDc #cultofthedeadcow #AtStake From Left to Right: #daveaitel #dildog #oxbloodruffin #mudge'

During the October 2022 Touch Symposium conference, cDc and L0pht logos appeared on the interstitial slides alongside the link for cash donations:

A full-screen slide consisting primarily of purple text on a pink background. Inside the circle in the upper right corner is the cDc ASCII cow skull logo adorned with a pink 'Hello Kitty' hair bow, and a L0pht Heavy Industries logo with pink cat ears, whiskers, and nose. In the middle of the slide is the text: 'TOUCH SYMPOSIUM | PAUSE WE'RE BACK | AT 13:37 | 1:37PM CET (PARIS TIME) |'

Despite the fact that none of us has any involvement with the October 2023 Touch Symposium, Ms. Murgue continues relentlessly to promote her upcoming conference using the names and likenesses of cDc members.

13 Nov 2022 tweet from @Touch_Symposium: A professionally-taken full-length photo of a male fashion model, but superimposed over the model's head is a crudely cut-and-pasted picture of Mudge's head. The text reads: 'Very cool exhibition at #JeanPaulGaultier Headquarters featuring our Touch Symposium Supermodels @dotMudge @daveaitel @UrbanDinosaurs Oxblood Ruffin #paris #fashion' 13 Nov 2022 tweet from @Touch_Symposium: A professionally-taken full-length photo of a male fashion model, but superimposed over the model's head is a crudely cut-and-pasted picture of Oxblood Ruffin's head. The text reads: 'Very cool exhibition at #JeanPaulGaultier Headquarters featuring our Touch Symposium Supermodels @dotMudge @daveaitel @UrbanDinosaurs Oxblood Ruffin #paris #fashion'

What's the problem?

Her online hostility.

The longer that these lies go unchallenged, the more legitimacy she gains. Which is problematic because her history shows that she will in all likelihood persist in issuing confrontational statements and sowing discord, seemingly under the aegis of the cDc.

4 Feb 2020 tweet from @moshi_philo: #HeyGoogle #googlers we're going to leak your private videos, your tinder/grinder nudes, your family pics to Chinese and Russian media. It's to help you penetrate the markets there. #cDc 21 Feb 2020 tweet from @moshi_philo: Why do I think #CCC members are less fun than my #cDc homies? Because of #STASI aftermath @tracks_ARTE
15 Apr 2020 tweet from @moshi_philo: Anyway Space Rogue YOU DON'T BELONG TO THE TRUE #ELITE #cultofthedeadcow like MC HA, Doctor @dotMudge, Xien @dildog, Honorable Dok @torproject @DethVeggie, Katie @k8em0 and I. You're just a common L0pht member that's it. 8 Feb 2020 tweet from @moshi_philo: It's also cool to play with what we have in hands. Here we go now #instastory; and then a quote tweet: To every #cheapsheep on world babylon web listen-up: to free your soul and your mind from all the wrong social norms and get true to yourself @FINALLEVEL 4'00 WE #CULTOFTHEDEADCOW WE GONNA... [Break Ya Neck]

Deceptive fundraising.

Another thing is that she has been soliciting donations to her 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, by using the likenesses of and fabricated donations by prominent cDc members. This has been happening on Twitter and Mastodon.

24 Feb 2022 tweet from @Touch_Symposium: 'Touch Symposium shared Gold Donation by Oxblood Ruffin on Ko-fi' 24 Feb 2022 tweet from @Touch_Symposium: 'Touch Symposium shared Gold Donation by Christien Rioux on Ko-fi
24 Feb 2022 tweet from @Touch_Symposium: 'Touch Symposium shared Gold Donation by Luke Benfey on Ko-fi

In reality, neither Mudge, nor Oxblood, nor DilDog, nor Deth Veggie ever had any dealings with Caroline Murgue or her conference. Nevertheless in 2022, a fictional Mudge on the real website went so far as to enthusiastically urge people to contribute, pledging US$1,420 in imaginary matching money for donations made during the one-day conference. It truly boggles the mind, how brazen this is.

A pink, 1980s-era touchtone telephone with the receiver off the hook. The text reads: 'I will match $1,420 for the fab nonprofit MOSHI inc. 501(c)(3) during Touch Symposium on October 22 --Mudge Zatko' A blue, 1980s-era touchtone telephone with the receiver off the hook. The upper text reads: 'My donation is tax-deductible. Awesome. But what makes a dent in the universe it benefits children in hospitals. --Mudge Zatko' Below the telephone, the text reads: 'Touch Symposium is a free event, fiscally sponsored and organized by MOSHI inc. 501(c)(3). On October 22, your donations will help to make children smile in hospitals. Thank You.'

We're not legal experts but this smells like prima facie fraud, for two inescapable reasons:

  1. Mudge is not involved with the group.
  2. Therefore, there are no matching funds from Mudge.

None of us have made any donations, nor made public appeals for others to follow suit. This is all a ruse, and should be investigated by the proper authorities.

One such authority might be the IRS, since it appears that Ms. Murgue may have run afoul of the US Internal Revenue Code by making public written statements on behalf of the organization in opposition to a candidate for public office. [According to a web search, Moshi Inc. (EIN 38-4022922) was granted 501(c)(3) tax exempt status in July 2018.] Once again, CULT OF THE DEAD COW have had nothing to do with this group's finances or appeals for donations; it was all contrived by Ms. Murgue.

15 Feb 2020 tweet from @moshi_philo: Mike if you're fed up to feed #Trump lies with your tax, I have THE solution for you: Moshi Inc. 501 (c)(3) #DaftPunk got tax deduction with their annual donation #moshiphilo 17 Feb 2020 tweet from @moshi_philo: #TaxTheRich and stop feeding Trump Lies with your tax by donating to Moshi Inc. 501 (c)(3) registered in the state of NY> Woohoo! People need #TruthandBeauty @the_IAS

How did we respond to all of this?

Note that we didn't discover what was happening until October 2022, which meant that things had been going on for almost three years. When we became aware of the enormity of the situation, we promptly contacted Ms. Murgue.

Twice we issued formal requests that Ms. Murgue stop pretending to have cDc connections, and remove that fraudulent content. [Our email correspondence appears in the appendix.]

How did she respond to us?

She told us essentially nothing, and did essentially nothing. As an example, she updated the Touch Symposium Team page on November 10 to remove the "Board of Creativity" (which had been populated entirely by unwitting persons such as Oxblood), but kept the sham "Board of Trustees" (which consists entirely of Mudge and Dave Aitel).

And of course she took down none of the offending tweets. In fact, apparently in response to our November 7 email she updated the @Touch_Symposium Twitter profile, but she did not remove the mentions of L0pht or cDc. Instead she merely added CCC to the list, as if to flaunt her ability to update the text.

A visual comparison using the Internet Archive Wayback Machine, consisting of the 7 November 2022 00:55:00 GMT version of the @Touch_Symposium twitter bio on the left, and the 21:19:28 GMT version on the right. There is a red arrow from left to right indicating that the phrase 'of the l0pht cDc' has been changed to say 'of CCC l0pht cDc'.

From our standpoint this appears to be a declaration that she has chosen to double down on her deceptions. Later she made a handful of halfhearted efforts at remediation, but nothing significant.

Frankly, we found her choices baffling. But the situation is what it is.


As there seems to be no possible resolution to the current state of affairs, we feel that the only rational thing to do is to lay bare the whole affair to the community. Hopefully, people will come to recognize Ms. Murgue as having nothing to do with our organization, just as she has nothing to do with L0pht.

This could have – should have – gone differently, but Ms. Murgue unfortunately would not listen to reason. She refused to do the right thing, and so here we are.

28 Feb 2020 tweet from @moshi_philo: The words '@dildog test' followed by the 'screaming in horror' emoji, and the 'raised middle finger' emoji.


These two email exchanges constitute the entirety of our communications with Ms. Murgue as of this writing.

November 3

From: <Medus4>
Date: Thu, Nov 3, 2022 at 5:38 PM
Subject: Cult of the Dead Cow (cDc)
To: <Caroline Murgue>

Hello, Caroline.

I am writing to you on behalf of cDc.

We recently learned that since at least January 2020 and continuing into the present, you have been representing yourself as being connected to The Cult of the Dead Cow. Sometimes you claim to be a member. And you have even issued some official-sounding statements purportedly from us.

In addition to your organization's website at, this has been happening across various social media platforms: Instagram, Twitter, Mastodon, LinkedIn, The-Dots, and likely others as well.

As you know, you are not -- nor have you ever been -- a member of cDc. Neither do you possess a special relationship of any kind with us. Likewise, you have no authority to issue statements on our behalf.

We must therefore insist that you cease this at once.

1. Immediately remove all past mentions of The Cult of the Dead Cow on your social media sites, and any other such user accounts you own or control. Delete any tweets, toots, or posts which either refer or allude to The Cult of the Dead Cow (cDc). This includes any artwork or images involving our ASCII cow skull logo.

2. Remove the fictitious endorsements from Mudge, which you have been using to solicit monetary donations for your 501(c)(3), Moshi Inc. As we are sure you know, the rules around non-profit fundraising are strict, and using false information to solicit donations is fraud.

3. Stop claiming membership or affiliation with cDc, or with any of our members. This includes any speeches or presentations you give.

4. Immediately stop using cDc members' images, names, or handles in any social media posts and in advertisements for events or Moshi. For a full list of our members, you can visit <>

This includes retired members as well. We are aware of you claiming to be Lady Carolin, and that is unacceptable. Do not continue this behavior.

We would take no joy in going public with this information, so you have 72 hours to make the above corrective actions.

The herd has spoken.


Twitter- @medus4_cdc

From: <Caroline Murgue>
Date: Thu, Nov 3, 2022 at 7:53 PM
Subject: Re: Cult of the Dead Cow (cDc)
To: <Medus4>

Hello, Medus4

I don't know who you are and who you pretend to be.

I'm sorry of your misreading, because the only thing you know is you know nothing.

Take care


November 7

From: <Reid Fleming>
Date: Mon, Nov 7, 2022 at 12:15 PM
Subject: Cult of the Dead Cow (cDc)
To: <Caroline Murgue>

Hello, Caroline.

I am Reid Fleming and I am writing to you on behalf of cDc.

You know who I am, because mine (@CdcReid) is among the six cDc accounts you follow on Twitter, and you have tweeted at me in the past. My DMs are open specifically for the limited purpose of authenticating this message.

From what we can tell, it seems that you have made no effort at all to address the problem we outlined. Everything we asked you to remove is still up on your sites:, Instagram, Twitter, Mastodon, etc.

Other than your brief response to Medus4's November 3rd email, you made no attempts to contact us for more time or further clarification.

Unless you take immediate steps to resolve this situation, we will be forced to raise this matter in a public forum.

Again, the herd has spoken.

-- Reid Fleming, cDc

P.S. For the record, the six accounts:


From: <Caroline Murgue>
Date: Mon, Nov 7, 2022 at 12:22 PM
Subject: Re: Cult of the Dead Cow (cDc)
To: <Reid Fleming>

Hello, Reid

I don't know who you are and who you pretend to be.

I'm sorry of your misreading. The only thing you know is you know nothing.

Take care


Fair Use notice

All images belong to their respective owners and are protected under international copyright law. They are included specifically for the purposes of identification, criticism, and commentary.

last updated: 11 December 2022